Our services in the area of "landfill
- Professional planning
- Application and official communication
- Technical implementation of your project - from stability, hydraulic and environmental issues, to greening planning.
- Planning and construction supervision of built-over contaminated sites and landfills
- Internal and external monitoring of landfill construction work
Planning and construction supervision
Our services in the field of landfill planning and construction supervision
- Surface waterproofing planning
- Planning services for the overbuilding of landfills and old deposits
- Proof of stability
- Quality management
- Assessment of the environmental impact
- Testing of geohydraulic site properties
- Landfill gas measurements (pre- and aftercare)
EÜ and FÜ
Our services in the area of in-house and external monitoring
- Self-testing of the mineral waterproofing components
- External testing* of the mineral waterproofing components
- Tests of the plastic element with cooperation partners
Your added value
Sealing and building over landfills and old deposits not only opens up new areas for development but can also make a substantial contribution to reducing greenhouse gases. Our innovative solutions in the landfill sector focus on environmental sustainability, integrating photovoltaic systems and renewable energy projects into landfill redevelopment.
Landfill gas
Methane in particular is 25 - 30 times more harmful to the climate than CO2. By combining sealing with exhaust gas treatment, you can significantly reduce the emission of gases that are harmful to the climate.
We support you in this through:
- Analysis and evaluation of landfill gases
- Plant planning for the treatment of landfill gases (also variants for lean gas phase) with cooperation partners
- Advice on sustainability from our sister company Go.Blue.Now (see following page)
Resource conservation
Use rehabilitated old landfills instead of "green meadows". Reduce land consumption in a sustainable way.