Construction and project management, NEWS

Support for the location development of commercial properties in Hamburg

WHAT-WE-DO: Mull & Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft Hamburg regularly supports real estate developers in the development of new locations, especially logistics locations.

The first step is to carry out a so-called "quick check", in which all relevant site conditions are examined and evaluated in terms of costs, in order to provide the client with cost certainty for the site development. In addition to possible obstacles under planning law, the building ground, possible problems with contaminated sites and explosive ordnance as well as the demolition of any existing buildings and official requirements with regard to nature conservation and species protection are also examined. In addition, the development of the site (supply and drainage) is also considered. In the further course of the project, M&P supports the clients in the implementation and organisation of further investigations, if required.

In the current case of a commercial site near Hamburg, the issue of subsoil was particularly relevant. Due to the location of the site near a moorland area, it was to be determined whether a deep foundation for the planned new buildings would be necessary. Furthermore, rainwater drainage had to be considered, as it was unclear whether infiltration of the water on the site was possible.

M&P is therefore carrying out a subsoil investigation on the site, in which the geotechnical suitability of the site is being tested by means of small pile-drilling and pressure soundings. Furthermore, infiltration tests are carried out to clarify the possible drainage paths. Subsequently, M&P will prepare an application for rainwater infiltration.

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