Welcome to the team ... Tanja Adams!

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Welcome to Mull and Partner!

We are pleased to introduce our new colleague Tanja Adams!

After successfully completing her Master's degree in Geological Sciences in 2016 at the Free University of Berlin and a subsequent year abroad in Italy, Tanja plunged into the professional life of an engineering office and discovered her passion in the field of geotechnics.

As junior project manager for soil investigations, she designs and accompanies site investigations, defines the soil mechanics laboratory programme, evaluates the investigation results and carries out ground failure and settlement calculations. She presents the results of the investigations carried out and the developed economic foundation engineering solution in geotechnical reports.

In addition to her greatest passion in the field of geotechnical investigations, Tanja has already gained initial experience in the field of contaminated site investigation and applies her knowledge accordingly.

In addition, Tanja already gained valuable practical experience as a working student at the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam in the section "Geothermal Energy Systems", where she programmed VBA macros to determine porosity, permeability and other specific rock properties.

Since the beginning of April, Tanja has been supporting the team at the Berlin branch as a project manager in the field of geotechnical engineering.

We wish Tanja Adams a successful start in our company.

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