Interview with our staff member Tarek Youssef - a former refugee from Syria

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Interview with our staff member Tarek Youssef - a former refugee from Syria

We are pleased to introduce our colleague Tarek Youssef. The former Syrian English teacher came to us in Germany as a refugee and has since been working at M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft Nord as a technician. Without any training, he taught himself everything here with the help of his colleagues.

In his job as a technician, he is out and about a lot, examining soil air and groundwater, for example, or rebuilding groundwater points. He is particularly positive about his varied work in many different places.

We talked to Tarek Youssef about his former life and his current job at our company and asked him what he particularly likes about M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft and what support he has received.

To find out more and read the full interview, click here.

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Environmental and geotechnical engineering
Construction and project management
Renewable energies
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Water management

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M&P Engineering Company
M&P Engineering Company Munich
T&P Beratende Ingenieure
P&P Real Estate Consulting
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