The dinosaur of the year 2021

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At first glance, being named Dinosaur of the Year seems like a great thing for many people. But in fact the award, which has been presented by NABU for more than 25 years, symbolises something negative for the winner. The "Dinosaur of the Year" is a 2.6-kilogram replica of a giant lizard cast in pewter.

The prize is awarded every year to a project that has proven to be antiquated in environmental protection. This means that projects are selected in which things are going particularly badly in terms of environmental protection and changes are urgently needed. For 2021, the prize goes to the Conrebbersweg construction area in Emden. The building policy in this project looks old even next to the dinosaurs. For the building project in Emden, an intact biotope is to be destroyed, species relocated and the area sealed. The sealing will cause the environment to heat up more and precipitation to seep away less easily. There is a failure to make better use of already existing areas and thus to initiate a more modern and wide-ranging area planning.

Land grabbing does not only occur in Emden, but is a nationwide problem. This is why the project was selected by the NABU jury as a representative example for the whole of Germany on the subject of the destruction of nature through soil sealing. This is linked to the demand to the federal government to immediately stop the excessive land consumption.

Conserving resources is a core area of the MuP Group. In all projects, preference is given to working methods and solutions that involve as little interference with the environment as possible. Engineering for a better tomorrow.

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#EngineeringForABetterTomorrow #DinosaurOfTheYear #NABU