Waste management support for the preparation of site 8 in the Marienwerder Science and Technology Park for construction work

IMG 1450 scaled

Waste management support for the preparation of site 8 in the Marienwerder Science and Technology Park for construction work

On behalf of the state capital of Hannover, the site clearance and explosive ordnance disposal of an area of about 36,000 m² in the Marienwerder Science and Technology Park is being carried out. The area was located in the area of the Hannover-Stöcken concentration camp subcamp during World War II. In the course of the work, the exposed foundations will be surveyed by the Central Cultural Affairs Department of the City of Hannover and recorded by means of a drone overflight, among other things. Due to the proximity of the former AFA (later VARTA) battery factory, anthropogenic admixtures and production waste are to be expected in the soil in the area.

In this project, Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH is responsible for the waste-technical supervision of the earthworks in coordination with the waste authority of the Hanover region. In addition to advising the companies involved and the City of Hannover on waste legislation, the tasks of Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH include above all the sampling and waste classification of the excavated soil and the deconstruction masses of any underground structures encountered.

The work has been taking place since the end of March 2018. By mid-June, more than 30,000 m³ of soil and construction waste had already been excavated and subsequently subjected to a waste-legislative investigation and classification by Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH.