Water Footprint - analysing water risks within the supply chain

The carbon footprint is now an issue for all companies. In addition to the regular recording of CO2 emissions, the sustainable use of water as a resource is now increasingly coming into focus. Water risks are identified by the World Economic Forum as a top 5 risk for the economy. Water shortages on the Rhine, for example, lead to high economic risks. Sealing of soils and draining of peatlands are increasingly restricting water in its natural cycle. Conflicts already exist between farmers and the population. Who has priority when water is scarce? 

It is important for companies to know the water risks within the supply chain in order to identify the possible risks. At the same time, the use of water as a resource, e.g. in production, must be adapted.

Our experts from Go.Blue.Now. determine with you the water consumption in the company and analyse the water-related risks in the value chain. With this information, we develop strategies for the sustainable use of water. But we do even more. With our renaturation projects, the natural habitat of rivers and lakes is restored.