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National Water Strategy

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Climate change, the effects of globalisation and the intensified use of surface and groundwater are currently the greatest challenges facing modern water management. In order to meet these challenges in the future with a suitable strategy, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) adopted the "National Water Strategy" to ensure a sufficient supply of clean water until 2050.

The focus is on water protection and raising awareness among the population. In concrete terms, this means a package of 57 measures to be implemented, divided into 10 thematic areas (see figure).

Figure: 10 thematic areas of the National Water Strategy

The respective measures are outlined in concrete terms, the most important instruments being the creation of new binding fact sheets and guidelines, the publication of pollutant and water management action plans, and the stimulation of public dialogue and discussion. Likewise, the existing legal framework is to be examined for its applicability and, if necessary, adapted, also in order to reduce any barriers to investment.

However, the basis and most important instrument of the National Water Strategy remains communication and public dialogue. The cornerstone for the National Water Strategy was laid by the national water dialogue with representatives from water management, agriculture and research, from associations, Länder and municipalities. The opinions and ideas of the population were also discussed in the national citizens' dialogue on water and included in the catalogue of measures.

With the national water strategy, the Federal Government has adopted a framework programme to preserve the availability and quality of water in Germany for the next 30 years. Measured against global developments and future challenges, this strategy sends the right signal to focus on sustainability, especially in times of rapidly increasing climate change. However, lasting success can only be achieved if the national water strategy continues to be seriously supported and critically pursued in dialogue by all professionally involved representatives and also by the public.

The Mull-Group supports these ideas and continuously develops processes to improve water quality in our country. Engineering for a better tomorrow!

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