World Water Day 2022

WWD2022 CARD1 The hidden solution still image

World Water Day took place on 22 March this year under the motto: "Our groundwater: the invisible treasure". Since 1993, World Water Day has been held every year to draw attention to water as a resource that is essential for survival. This year, the focus is on groundwater as the Waterbody of the Year 2022. Both UN Secretary-General António Guterres and UN-Water Chair Gilbert Houngbo have pointed out the enormous importance and need for protection of our (ground) water.

The idea for a World Water Day came up in 1992 in the course of the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro and was first held on 22 March 1993. Every year, different projects, conferences, seminars and exhibitions as well as documentary films are implemented on the topic of water. The aim is to stimulate discussions and provide inspiration for protective measures and innovative adaptations to the crises of our time.

There is no disputing the special need for protection of groundwater, yet groundwater reservoirs in Germany are also threatened by pollution (e.g. by nitrates or pesticides), but also by drying out. Due to its special function in the water cycle, it is not only an important source of drinking water for us humans, but also the basis for terrestrial ecosystems.

In the course of World Water Day, the UN has launched a challenge. Short films on the topic of groundwater with a maximum length of 60 seconds can be submitted until 20 November 2022. The motto is: Making the invisible visible. In one minute, they should explain what impact groundwater has on life, the types of use in their own region, whether there is enough and whether it can be used safely, and what needs to be done to protect groundwater as a resource.

For more information on World Water Day, speeches, materials and videos, as well as the flyer for the video competition, visit the UN website.

The M&P Group is also concerned with the protection of groundwater in many measures and areas. Examples of this are compiled on the M&P Group website.

#WorldWaterDay 1TP5WorldWaterDay #Groundwater #WaterIsLife

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