Construction and project management, NEWS

M&P Heidelberg: Dealing with potentially carcinogenic artificial mineral fibres in ongoing building operations

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Everything goes well for a long time - but suddenly it has to happen very quickly. Then workmen have to arrive at a training and office building in Mannheim to repair a burst pipe and repair the damage as quickly as possible. After all, business must continue as soon as possible. Making this possible falls within the expertise of MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH, Heidelberg. Because time and again, caretakers, building technicians and craftsmen not only have to deal with water, noise and dirt, but also with another problem that for a long time was hardly noticed: Artificial mineral fibres are processed in the ceiling cladding - and as soon as work is done on the brittle ceiling tiles or the insulation mats above them, there is a risk that fibres will be released and enter the indoor air. Since these fibres can cause cancer, not only the workers involved in repair and renovation work are at risk, but also all people who use the training and office rooms afterwards.

As the operator of the building complex, a nationwide property manager and real estate developer, was aware of its far-reaching responsibility, it commissioned MuP Umwelttechnik to develop a concept package so that the caretakers on site as well as contracted construction companies would know what to do when work was being done in the area of the room ceilings. And not only in the aforementioned case of a burst pipe, but also for other projects, such as when renovation work is planned or when pipes are being laid.

For this purpose, our building experts have provided assistance for various scenarios for the property operator: This includes, among other things, work and safety plans that fulfil all regulations of the employers' liability insurance association as well as a clear action plan for practical execution on site. In addition, it is planned to instruct the caretakers as well as any contracted companies regarding the protective measures on site.

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