Initial assessment of contaminated sites in Schleswig-Holstein

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Initial assessment of contaminated sites in Schleswig-Holstein

Contaminated sites include former industrial sites and other sites on which environmentally relevant substances have been used, so that harmful soil alteration cannot be ruled out or other hazards for individuals and the general public can be caused.

In Schleswig-Holstein, contaminated sites have been recorded since 1986, initially on the basis of decrees issued by the districts and independent cities. Since 1999 and 2002 respectively, the Federal Soil Protection Act and the State Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Act have regulated the recording and its implementation. In order to ensure uniform recording throughout the state, the current State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) developed a standardised procedure for the survey and initial assessment of contaminated sites, which was first introduced as binding with the publication of the Schleswig-Holstein Contaminated Sites Survey Guide in 2003 and has been continuously developed since then.

For the systematic historical survey of contaminated sites, primarily historical address books and business registration data were evaluated with regard to contaminated site-relevant industry names. As a result of the digital data collection, an address pool of all potential contaminated sites is available, which is administered in a nationwide standardised database. In order to filter out the actual contaminated sites from the identified areas in accordance with § 2 BBodSchG and § 3 BBodSchV, an initial assessment is required according to defined specifications.

The services for the initial assessment are carried out on behalf of the districts or the independent cities by experts according to §18 BBodSchG, field 1. The Hamburg office of Mull & Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH is also regularly involved in the initial assessment of contaminated sites. In order to verify the history of use of the site, an evaluation of building files is carried out and, if necessary, supplemented by further research, site visits and interviews with contemporary witnesses. Finally, the site is classified. The classification is carried out according to defined evaluation criteria, each of which is assigned a standard score. Depending on the score, the site is either transferred to the register of contaminated sites or to the archive.

The detailed procedure is described on the homepage of the LLUR Schleswig-Holstein:

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Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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