Interview with trainees Jan Albrecht and Vincent Welkov


Interview with Jan Albrecht and Vincent Welkov - Our budding building materials testers at MuP Nord!

How long have you been with MuP Nord?

Jan: We've both been part of the team since 1 August 2023.

How did you come up with the idea of becoming a building materials inspector?

Vincent: My father is a trained craftsman. His stories from the building site influenced me as a child. I was looking for an apprenticeship related to the construction industry and that's how I found my way to building materials testing.

Jan: I was looking for a practical connection to geosciences and found this job online. Varied work, lots of regional travelling and always being outdoors was the perfect combination!

Jan, what is your favourite part of your job and what do you like about it?

Jan: The best thing is when we are out and about with the project engineers from the Building Pollutants department and take substance samples from the roofs. That's simply exciting!

Vincent, can you tell us about your last exciting experience in your training career?

Vincent: Klar, das war definitiv das Projekt, bei dem wir das Gelände einer friesischen Schnapsfabrik untersucht haben. Wir durften die 200 Jahre alten Fabrikgebäude erkunden, und es fühlte sich an wie bei „Lost Places“. Das war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

When was the last time you laughed at work?

Vincent: That was today, even though the weather was crying, we still laughed a lot. The good atmosphere in the team is unbeatable.

Thank you, Jan and Vincent, for sharing your experiences with us. We are looking forward to your further adventures as building material testers at MuP Nord!